Despite its name, an urban legend does not necessarily originate in an urban area.
The terms endemic and indigenous do not imply that an organism necessarily originated or evolved where it is found.
They found instead that Amazonia was rich enough to support "the earliest pottery-age cultures yet known in the Americas" and that these cultures did not necessarily originate elsewhere.
Hence, the large majority of LTGs detected by compositional approaches do not necessarily originate in distant organisms.
An understanding of ecology does not necessarily originate in courses bearing ecological labels; it is quite as likely to be labeled geography, botany, agronomy, history, or economics.
A logogram did not necessarily originate from the lexical form of the word in Aramaic, it could also come from a declined or conjugated Aramaic form.
The guitar did not necessarily originate in Spain.
"Even if that was proven, it still does not prove that modern humans necessarily originated in Africa."
Lunarian Origin Mystery Scientists do not agree that Lunarians necessarily originated on Minerva.
Gliomas are named according to the specific type of cell they share histological features with, but not necessarily originate from.