What point has an ethical directive to pursue the general happiness addressed to beings who will necessarily seek only their own?
These necessarily seek to cancel out particularities in the interest of identifying a set of determining principles.
And he shows that the church was not necessarily seeking knowledge for knowledge's sake, a traditional aim of pure science.
Some who commute to the suburbs for cuts say that they are not necessarily seeking the least expensive services.
Ships too large for a given route must necessarily seek an alternate pathway.
The conspirators were not necessarily seeking to reintegrate Germany into the family of peaceful and democratic nations.
For those who did not necessarily seek solace in another's arms, coping meant renewing one's ties to friends, a neighborhood and city life.
Not that they necessarily seek the drugs.
Corporations have helped finance the theater for decades, but now they are not necessarily seeking to profit from the Broadway run of a show.
Humiliation is not the same as dominance: the devotee does not necessarily seek to be ordered about.