This is a necessary adaptation for the digestion of its folivorous diet.
The bacteria exhibit many unusual characteristics, mostly due to the adaptations necessary for their large size.
This meant that he died in hospital, while we were waiting for the necessary adaptations to be carried out.
If necessary adaptations occur, these are to be published without delay.
On their own they are too clumsy in their form of regulation to provide the necessary adaptations, especially those required for social living.
Retirement was a necessary adaptation and everybody knew it, but the old guys were not going quietly.
Andrew spent five years on the Moon working with local prosthetologists to make the necessary adaptations.
This will allow immediate action and the necessary adaptations, especially in very sensitive areas of the planet such as poor countries.
Later on, if it turns out that more capital is required, the necessary adaptations can be made.
In a number of different areas, the industry has shown that it is capable of making the necessary adaptations.