Such dialogue could provide the necessary political complement to the stalled economic reforms.
Supporters say the center is a necessary complement to the area's network of services, which includes two shelters, a referral service and a single-room-occupancy residence.
It's a pitch that is especially important for Hernández, a necessary complement to his fastball.
Those are a necessary complement to last year's directive on emission standards for heavy duty diesel vehicles.
Service is the necessary complement of freedom and every right involves a corresponding duty.
Such a safety net is a necessary complement to a vibrant, dynamic and growing market economy.
His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits.
But in order to assist importing countries we felt it was a necessary complement to the licensing mechanism.
I will eagerly await its proposals, because I think that it is a necessary complement to the proposals put forward up to now.
It constitutes a necessary complement to inclusive labour markets, to combat poverty for people who can work.