It is now supported as a "necessary corollary of fundamental, constitutional or human rights."
Such incorporation is, for her, a necessary corollary of a continued erosion of popular control over local government.
"And I presume a necessary corollary is that you cannot allow humans to come to harm?"
If confusion is a necessary corollary to enchantment, then I'll gladly embrace it.
"Then is trust a necessary corollary for love?"
Privileges and self-regulation are no longer accepted as necessary corollaries of professional status.
A necessary corollary to trying to stick out the whole of the "Ring" is not to take it too seriously.
Gael believes in a Christian ontology but rejects its necessary corollary, God.
As he wrote in 1896, around the time of the first games, "In France, physical inertia was considered the necessary corollary for mental development.
That seems to be a necessary corollary.