Mr. London is also a staunch advocate of the death penalty, which he said is a necessary deterrent even if it leads to "rare cases" in which an innocent person is executed.
Tribal leaders see this ancient response, which reflects Indian respect for community, as a painful but necessary deterrent.
Bolte had the power to recommend clemency, but declined to exercise it, arguing that the death penalty was a necessary deterrent for crime against government officials and law enforcement officers.
He added that laws immunizing "official violations of substantive rules" leave victims without any realistic remedy and that monetary damages are "a necessary deterrent for such misconduct."
It is an old-established practice and a necessary deterrent.
It was a necessary deterrent both to the Arabs and to the still-influential Reich.
One high-ranking club official, who asked not to be identified, likened the commissioner's mandate to investigate to a powerful, necessary deterrent.
Guns, the ability-and willingness-to use them are a necessary deterrent.
The United States insists that the weapons are a necessary deterrent because the Soviet-supported Warsaw Pact has a strong numerical superiority in conventional forces.
Judge Simons said that allowing monetary damages was "a necessary deterrent for such misconduct."