Under Singh's leadership, many necessary upgrades took place, and the university flourished.
Based upon freight revenues alone they could not afford to pay for upgrades and improvements now necessary.
He told Mr. Trump that the price of "necessary upgrades" was about $1 billion.
The plans were abandoned after 11 neighboring municipalities rejected giving grants for the necessary technical upgrades.
Doing well in the lower series will help you earn sponsorship that can help you make the necessary upgrades.
The city's government and interested airlines entered negotiations to split the cost of necessary upgrades to the facility to cope with increased passengers.
Oil companies must implement the proper procedures and make the necessary upgrades to these installations immediately.
The camp is currently conducting a capital campaign called "Village 2010" to raise money for many necessary upgrades to facilities.
The necessary upgrades were paid for by the local authorities.
Business users on a domain will find this is a necessary upgrade, though, as Home Premium does not have the ability to join domains.