I admit that their necessities do compel them to this base and contemptible fraud.
The other people ceased to count the moment there was no pleasure in the business, and necessity compelled her to it.
First, it is not clear what necessity would compel a moon landing.
This was a melancholy thing, but necessity compelled us to it.
Honor and necessity, both, compel us to stay on the path we are set upon.
His legs were so stiff that they might have been things discarded by someone else that necessity compelled him to use.
This, and the necessity of ready money, compelled him to decide on an auction, much as he would have preferred to keep the venerable goods.
Baffled again, necessity compelled us to turn within touch of some outfitting point.
Should necessity compel me to it, however, I will not shrink from that stern duty.
Bince appeared in the court-room only when necessity compelled his presence on the witness stand.