They were far from practising that which necessity dictated.
In the future, harsh economic necessity will dictate that businesses will have to consider employing and promoting more women if they are to survive.
And it left policy makers with the comforting impression that, should necessity dictate, the economy could always pull off another conservation miracle.
A bygone necessity dictated the rhythm of their movements.
There were millions of cars to carry Americans wherever whim or necessity dictated.
Made sense to have a Cardassian face to offer up on a monitor if necessity dictated.
This meant that narrower or wider arches were introduced into a building plan wherever necessity dictated.
These loose boulders could be tumbled, should necessity dictate, into the breaches of the lower sallyports.
But this is where necessity dictates we part company.
As far as possible, attention has been paid to historical detail, but in some instances necessity has dictated various changes.