During the day, receptors in a neck artery sense the low blood oxygen and send signals to the brain stem, telling the person to breathe.
To find the right individual dosage, a catheter is threaded into the heart through a neck artery and medications are infused directly.
Tests showed that Ambrose had a massive blockage in his neck arteries, which also increased his risk for stroke.
He had gashed open his head and cut the neck artery.
Her neck artery pulsed visibly beneath the metal's finely honed edge.
Within seconds, one of the natives was down, gushing bright foaming blood from a severed neck artery.
A spurt of dark blood from the neck arteries splashed onto the fire.
Atherosclerosis causes strokes when pieces of fatty deposits lining the neck artery break off and lodge in the brain.
They examined 53 patients who were scheduled for carotid endarterectomies - surgery to remove the deposits from the neck artery.
Already the neck arteries had sealed themselves off and a protective membrane was forming.