She released his throat, sliding her head into his neck fur, hiding.
With his neck fur bristling, he solved the problem in his own unique way before Rhodan could make any objection.
"You're looking satisfied with yourself," she said, roughing up his neck fur, so thick and full it was almost a mane.
This was her family, she thought, as she grabbed his neck fur.
He stroked his neck fur now and then, indicating that the change of pace would not be without difficulty.
He had a blood-flecked head protruding from beer-stained neck fur and a large pocket watch in his big white mittens.
"If you notice, it's a little coarse," she said, leading his hand to feel the animal's rather shaggy neck fur.
"Good boy," she whispered, burying her face in the dog's blood-spattered neck fur.
I ran my fingers through his neck fur and nudged my nose against his.
"Sirs," said Jase-and inside him he glowed with the knowledge that under his neck fur he was not even sweating.