This means it needs effective screening and filtering which can be difficult, bulky and expensive.
Key to season: They have to maintain their desire after winning three consecutive pennants, and they need effective starting pitching beyond Stewart and Welch.
To realise these opportunities we need more effective international and Somali leadership and a more coordinated approach focused on actions.
In such circumstances, each country's steel industry needs effective government representation, and laissez-faire industrial policy may be a poor policy.
Still, Mr. Tippett and other security experts agree that the nation's computer networks need more effective and extensive shoring up.
With regard to labour mobility, we need much more effective awareness-raising.
Certainly we need effective, constant, coordinated measures to prevent and combat terrorism and so the proposals set out in this Chamber by Mr Frattini are welcome.
In short, we need effective, specific goals to put a stop to the deterioration of soils in the European Union.
We only need effective and, more importantly, immediate action of the Commission on this matter.