It estimates that next year, Ethiopia will need about 840,000 tons.
If China went the same route, with 1.2 billion people, it would need 100 million tons, which is now the total world fish catch.
For an annual run of perfume, Natura needed at least 40 tons.
We shouldn't need more than three tons if all goes well, but 'all' seldom does.
We need at least four tons to spare, and we only started out with twenty.
The Government said it would need 160,000 tons of donated food in the first four months of this year.
Local officials calculate that the town needs 70 tons of food a day.
Dave calculated we would need 500 tons, at £2 per ton.
As for steel, foreigners judge we'll need some 120 million tons a year in future.
The country needed 400,000 tons of food this year, he said.