But by scolding them out of turn he has embroiled himself and news organizations in a needless confrontation over the right of the press and public to know how justice is being dispensed.
What could have blown into a needless confrontation - yet another incident of homeless people scrambling frantically before police in a desperate attempt to salvage belongings and pets - was averted by the Coalition for the Homeless, a statewide nonprofit organization.
Lofton, who the night before ignited a needless confrontation whose ramifications spilled over yesterday, was a central figure again last night before and during Game 2 of the National League Championship Series.
Senator John McCain, the Arizona Republican widely expected to make a bid for the White House, made a rebuttal that began, "In today's multipolar world, there is no place for needless confrontation."
But conceding that El Salvador is in Washington's sphere of influence, he blames such "ideological baggage" for provoking needless confrontation.
No good can come of this needless confrontation, and it could produce a protracted crisis that leaves Russia even more wounded than it is today.
Avoid needless confrontation.
Conservatives blamed Lloyd George personally for a needless confrontation.
The final fact is that Attorney General Janet Reno still has no explanation that would excuse her rush to a needless confrontation.
In the late 1980s the Cubans manipulated them into a needless confrontation in Angola, which lasted much longer than it should have done because, this time, the Washington team was clumsier.