Let's find the center of power among humankind, and let's persuade them to stop the fleet before it needlessly destroys a world.
Quoting a line from Semar, in which he discounts his children's suggestion that Semar lead protests, Nasution also notes criticism of the youths who would demonstrate against the New Order, depicting them as being easily manipulated by agents provocateur and often needlessly destroying material goods.
It holds the promise of cure without needlessly destroying life.
If the immune system reacts to bacteria with a TH1 response, as sometimes happens, it will needlessly destroy some of the body's own tissue.
I care for our environment and heritage, I don't want to see it needlessly destroyed for Dave's new train set.
The Save Riverbank Park Coalition, which forced the referendum, had said the stadium, a centerpiece of plans to revitalize Newark's downtown, would needlessly destroy a historic park and bring unwanted traffic into the neighborhood.
Under these conditions, and with this equipment, it is quite likely that we would needlessly destroy many innocent minds, and none would be left unscarred.
"I hate to see something beautiful destroyed needlessly," Katinka whispered.