Opponents, on the other hand, believe that a new federal regulator will impose burdensome bureaucratic rules, squelch competition, and needlessly increase federal power.
Such nanorobots intended for use in medicine should be non-replicating, as replication would needlessly increase device complexity, reduce reliability, and interfere with the medical mission.
Requiring all prospective graduates to pass all Regents exams could needlessly increase the dropout rate, especially among those students in alternative schools who have already failed to adapt to traditional schools.
Doing this costs the taxpayers money through the subsidies, and causes the price of energy to needlessly increase.
Thus the actions of the Japanese are blamed for needlessly increasing the death toll.
Too often I needlessly increase how long I suffer trou- bled times.
Overuse of high-octane gas needlessly increases dependence on foreign oil.
THE BOTTOM LINE: It deters car thieves who don't want to needlessly increase their chances of being stopped.
It further damages the nation's reputation and, by repudiating key protections of the Geneva Conventions, it needlessly increases the danger to any American soldier captured in battle.
Chief Ortiz said he was loath to support anything that could needlessly increase confrontations with police officers.