The $10 billion program, administered by the Social Security Administration, is intended to insure the economic security of the nation's most needy and vulnerable groups.
"Through the United Way and our church and our taxes we give to every needy group you can possibly name."
Further work is needed to enable those specialist groups with support to offer to identify indicators of vulnerability and to find ways to reach their most needy group.
However, some states will want to spend money on other needy groups without triggering all the restrictions that accompany the use of Federal block grants.
Medicaid was established at the same time to provide medical insurance primarily to children, pregnant women, and certain other medically needy groups.
The government also looking into restructuring the fuel subsidy so that the selected needy group will get the subsidy.
The funds now help numerous needy homeless groups throughout the city.
But this stance has curtailed aid to one of the neediest groups, some lawyers for the immigrants argued.
They said that programs proposed for a variety of needy groups could cost the states at least $2 billion over the next five years.
But more food, more volunteers and more needy groups are always needed at Island Harvest, which can be reached at 294-8528.