A state judge has struck down a law that has denied Medicaid benefits to thousands of needy legal immigrants in New York.
State officials said it would cost New York more than $33 million to cover the bills of the estimated 100,000 needy immigrants eligible for Medicaid.
Similar lawsuits in other states are likely to seek state-funded medical coverage for needy immigrants.
Western nations have already begun to feel the pressures of economic migration, which can reduce tolerance and sympathy for truly persecuted and especially needy immigrants.
He supported the development of schools and hospitals and helped support needy immigrants settling in the region.
He said he favored continued Federal benefits for needy legal immigrants, but would exclude the children of illegal immigrants from public schools.
If Washington does not help needy immigrants, the states will have to do it!
And it was particularly concerned about a proposal to deny cash payments to needy immigrants who are not citizens.
The program helps needy legal immigrants - children, the elderly and the disabled - become United States citizens so they can hold on to Federal benefits.
Zenia Mucha, the Governor's director of communications, said today that the administration only intended to give benefits to needy immigrants already in the country.