The same is true of most of Malawi's needy neighbors.
At the Rochdale community garden, near 133d Avenue at Guy R. Brewer Boulevard in Queens, for example, the gardeners specifically set aside a portion of their produce for needy neighbors.
SoSA's programs build community by bringing people together in farmers' fields or around "dumped" loads of potatoes to work collectively in the cause of helping their needy neighbors.
Instead, it seems to be one more obstacle our neediest neighbors face to achieve a decent life.
The recent decision of the Caricom Caribbean nations to continue to ignore Haiti only reinforces the tragic isolation of a needy neighbor.
She is the kind of woman who gives her last $20 to a needy neighbor and then bounces checks at the supermarket.
Chantal gained a reputation as an excellent manager of the estates of her husband, as well as of her difficult father in law, while also providing alms and nursing care to needy neighbors.
Caring for, and about, a needy neighbor is often discussed in terms of a moral obligation.
After she sold most of her cattle to help her son, Josie would sometimes shoot deer out of season to provide meat for herself, her family, or needy neighbors.
Danny eventually makes Marie proud, not only with his earnings, but with a bundle of food supplies for a few needy neighbors.