Collections are made in England for needy French refugees.
Chuck's grandfather worked tirelessly for many years after to help other needy refugees escaping a war-torn Europe, and in 1963, he officially launched the International Refugee Mission.
Yet with rare exceptions, these shelters almost never end up stretching over the head of a needy refugee.
Since the funds of the Dutch authorities were insufficient in itself, the extra reward from the Allied authorities made it possible for Dutch-Paris to expand their support to needy refugees.
In 1947 he organized the sending of CARE packages to needy Spanish Republican refugees stranded in post-war France.
It has been argued that their reluctance showed that hostile attitudes towards asylum seekers had carried over to affect the most genuinely needy refugees.
Other families resorted to begging in villages outside the camp, but the drought last year left local residents so bereft that food or money for needy refugees is scarce.
Barbara Nagorski, vice president of the International Rescue Committee, says there is no shortage of willing and needy refugees.
When the relief agencies talk about withdrawing, they wrestle with the reality that their withdrawal would deprive some needy refugees of assistance.
Its a refugee body whose other objective is to help exhibit relevant information to needy refugees and a sharing platform on numerous issues affecting them.