Laro - backed for now by a State Supreme Court justice - counters that the fish sellers would soon return to nefarious practices of the past, a claim that enrages them.
Even leaving aside these nefarious practices, the very idea that standardised tests can gauge some kind of "innate" intelligence that exists irrespective of a student's socialisation is dubious at best.
Exactly who had started the nefarious practice and why were fodder for frequent and violent debate.
In order to show the public to what nefarious practices the Church would stoop, the crazy women were put on exhibition.
On the soy sauce issue, however, he does not budge, especially the nefarious practice of taking the fish off the rice cake, dunking it in soy sauce and reassembling the sushi unit.
Writer Don Cowan found that many wildlife officials turned a blind eye to the nefarious practice.
Thousands of ignorant and innocent persons have been defrauded, and, with their families, plunged into irretrievable ruin by these nefarious practices.
This practice - nefarious but fairly common, especially at small stations eager to up their ratings - ruins pastel shades and makes the televised picture look like a colored comic strip.
Residents of Horncastle, Lincoln and Boston were the next to suffer their nefarious practices, then they faded into the night, only to reappear in Dublin.
Wedge-driving, that nefarious practice condemned by all, is precisely what 1989 diplomacy is about.