The people typically picked for negative eugenics were placed in racialized groups or somehow physically or mentally deemed "unfit".
Eugenics offers two approaches: positive eugenics, and negative eugenics.
He trains field workers to visit poor houses, prisons and mental institutions to document, and eventually eliminate through negative eugenics, inferior hereditary characteristics.
Hence, negative eugenics was the only logical outcome of Sweden's adoption of eugenics.
The fit between people and their environments brings up the topic of positive and negative eugenics which has been a background challenge in Green theory.
Ms. Murphy was a prolific and influential writer who organized meetings and addressed many women's groups in support of negative eugenics.
Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, which aims to improve human hereditary traits through social intervention by reducing reproduction by those considered unfit.
Will we return slowly to a time of blatant negative eugenics, in which mothers' and fathers' genetic powers are policed, too?
He understood the two types of eugenics, positive and negative eugenics.
Both positive and negative eugenics can be coercive.