For this reason the negative occurrences and images from the ideal state need to be disregarded.
He has a toddler-like nature, crying at minor negative occurrences, and being scared of almost everything.
This can have far-reaching consequences in the event of negative occurrences at sea.
With the 1987 stock market crash, insider trading and slews of other negative occurrences, why should investors for one minute aspire to subservient roles?
This study found that emotions prompted by positive events were more likely to last than those prompted by negative occurrences.
However, for negative occurrences, the Fading Affect was more prominent (51%) than the Fixed Affect (38%).
It is generally considered a negative occurrence, to be avoided.
Overspray is considered a negative occurrence in auto detailing when unwanted drifting paint gets on cars.
We make clear to them that it is not seen as a negative occurrence.
These family members feel that any negative occurrence is their fault and not the disorder's.