"They are negative prints of the human body," she said.
When the film was restored for re-release, it was learned that the scenes have been lost, including the negative prints.
He hung negative prints of certain pictures together as a group so they seemed to form a big, lacy, openwork pattern.
The positive print is paired with a negative print of the same image, which enhances the striking composition.
She makes negative prints and she manipulates photographic materials with acid.
He photographed the room in which the poet died (in 1972) using an exposure time of many hours and making a negative print.
The negative print obtained has the advantage of increased contrast, enhancing many details in the preparation.
"Here in this negative print you can see some structure within the cloud," Stoner said.
In 1853, Canson invented a media for positive and negative prints.
In the early 1970s there was another "printing" of the Survey, this time on 14" x17" photographic negative prints.