Additionally, relatedness negatively associated with a child's being behind in school for his or her age.
This effect is positively associated with type of game violence and negatively associated to time spent playing the games.
In the country, it is negatively associated with Salafist political activism.
This type of advertisement is often negatively associated with propaganda.
In contrast, two binary variables are considered negatively associated if most of the data falls off the diagonal.
Self-esteem variability was also negatively associated with frequency of social interactions in the course of daily life.
However, the term is often negatively associated because it can sometimes suggest loyalty to one's group regardless of circumstances, or partisanship.
A 2013 study of college students found that orthorexia severity was negatively associated with self-reported executive functioning.
Attention and language indices were negatively associated with the symptom scales.
Simultaneously, the residential towers became negatively associated with crime and social deprivation.