Schott eventually died in prison, and Winslow was left on his own and spent several years in abusive and neglectful foster homes.
This year, the number of children entering foster care increased for the first time since 1989 as the city implemented its policy of removing young people more quickly from abusive and neglectful homes.
The foster care system has been flooded recently with an influx of hard-to-place children, as the city aggressively pursues a policy of removing children from abusive and neglectful homes.
Foster children have often been removed from abusive or neglectful homes and tend to have more mental health conditions than other children.
Tens of thousands suffered in violent or neglectful homes.
They argue that it will encourage the child protection system to leave children in abusive or neglectful homes when they should be put into foster care or placed for adoption.
At this point, Doris finally admits the truth about the children's past: after receiving a concerned phone call, she rescued the children from an abusive and neglectful home, which was one of the worst she'd seen.
Children might come from abusive or neglectful homes, or live in very poor and dangerous communities.
The two had been placed in an orphanage two years before by Russian social service workers, who had removed them from a neglectful home.
For example, a depressed man who grew up in a violent and neglectful home may turn to drinking to bury the feelings of rage and poor self-esteem.