Mitchell Callahan was no fool; he'd weighed far too many powerful men over the years to be deceived by a quiet voice and seemingly negligent manner.
The older of the women carried a machine pistol in a negligent manner.
He flicked the gun around in an increasingly negligent manner.
During the short time that Steve stayed, having performed the necessary introductions in his usual negligent manner, Renaldo found himself observing them both.
The panel concluded that Sletten allowed the Frosta to be used in a negligent manner.
- A woman was standing, looking at him, with one balled fist on her hip in a negligent manner.
"Khrest," ordered Rhodan, "I want you to do something about the negligent manners of this officer!"
My arms hung down to my bowed knees in a manner both negligent and thuggish.
She saw him in her mind's eye, standing in her office in that offhand, almost negligent manner of his.
Although these allowances are made for children, they can still act, and are sometimes found to have acted, in a negligent manner.