Others say there are negligible pharmacological differences between crack and powdered cocaine.
In 2005 he declared that there were only negligible differences between the two main parties on economic matters.
Infrared testing showed negligible differences in the performance of the four patterns.
For the sampling time we tried various values of n but found negligible differences for values above eight.
A 1987 study found negligible differences between the use of "undecided" and "neutral" as the middle option in a 5-point Likert scale.
Such an effect is indeed practically inevitable if the walls of the laboratory room have a not negligible difference in temperature.
In practice, there is almost negligible difference between the absolute values of the different measurements.
Note that all animal life is cold-blooded, with a negligible difference between body and ambient temperatures.
No one took notice of the negligible differences in mannerisms, appearance or speech.
Therefore, they operate with negligible differences between them.