It was of negligible importance prior to 1990, with antiquated weapons and few members.
Despite this, or perhaps because of its negligible economic importance, the Spanish took a long time to build up the island's defenses.
However, expected donations are difficult to predict, and using long-term data, have been shown to be of negligible importance to funding in general.
Overtricks are of negligible importance in social bridge or team play, but they are the lifeblood of match-point games.
By design or by accident, someone was telling him that he was of negligible importance.
Other factories were of negligible importance before the 1940s.
By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation German Will will have atrophied and German power reduced to negligible importance.
But movement that took the pedestrian target toward or away from the sniper was of almost negligible importance: it would not prevent the bullet from reaching its target.
As the series indicates, tuberculosis was the health scourge of the late 19th century, but had become a problem of negligible importance by the 1950's.
Militarily, Jones's raids were of negligible importance, but psychologically the impact was huge.