Despite fielding a dramatically improved team, he had only had seen a negligible increase in attendance in Arizona over the previous year's numbers.
By contrast, there were only negligible increases in February and March.
The value of contracts and orders for new plant and equipment showed a negligible increase.
In another sense the figure provides a numerical basis for what to consider a negligible increase in risk.
For larger m and/or k, independence among the hash functions can be relaxed with negligible increase in false positive rate (, ).
I can snack on them, add them to almost any main course or turn them into a soup, with an almost negligible increase in calories.
That would be a negligible increase in frequency.
By 1940, the average production cost of an American feature was $400,000, a negligible increase over ten years.
Its most recent survey, for 1991, of people who call themselves smokers showed a negligible increase to 25.7 percent, or 46.3 million, from 25.5 percent.
It also said the change in inspection schedules would pose "only a negligible increase in risk to the public."