So in March 1991 he negotiated the sale of the house for £283,000, though the amount needed to redeem the mortgage was by then £358,587.
When the prince's assistant arrived to negotiate the sale, he was clearly uncomfortable talking about prices with a woman.
In late August 2006, the league approved the conditions to negotiate the sale of the team.
He has been negotiating the sale of various parts of the company for months.
Their agents - if they had one at all - would go to that publishing house alone to negotiate the sale of a book.
The companies had been negotiating the sale of certain assets, including the reservation system, for $250 million.
"When I asked for my 3 percent commission, her family threatened to beat me up," the dealer who negotiated the sale was quoted as saying.
No details could be learned from the lawyer who had negotiated the sale.
Someone to stand with him and protect his back while he negotiated the secret sale of a tremendous stolen treasure.
Anyone with an apartment to sell usually invited the building's management company to negotiate the sale and collect the commission.