These negotiations culminated in the Charlottetown Accord, which outlined extensive changes to the constitution, including recognition of Quebec as a distinct society.
The negotiations culminated with the Agreements of Corinto, The Cauca.
And news that the talks had gone well was certainly no guarantee that the difficult negotiations would culminate in a deal.
Long political negotiations, coupled with table-hopping by the President-elect at political dinners, has apparently culminated in a coveted congressional majority.
The negotiations culminated in the Baling meeting on 28 and 29 December 1955.
Paris became Russia's major source of foreign capital, while diplomatic and military negotiations culminated in the alliance of 1894.
The preliminary negotiations culminated in talks that were made final on Monday.
Our negotiations culminated in a very reasonable draft which still contains crucial growth elements.
Long and exhausting negotiations culminated in publication in the Official Journal.
The negotiations culminated in agreements on the supply of food.