The agreement requires all sides to refrain from violence during the negotiation period.
During the six month negotiation period especially talks with the Brazilian company Petrobras had proven difficult.
ABC could not make a deal during an exclusive negotiation period, and had no contractual right to match higher bids.
But the vote never happened, because the administration agreed to abide by the 25 percent limit during the 60-day negotiation period.
"Are you suggesting we maybe sneak it out a little bit during the first negotiation period?"
On 16 August, after a lengthy negotiation period, he finally agreed to sign a 4-year contract to Panathinaikos.
After the negotiation period, players write secret orders for each unit; these orders are revealed and executed simultaneously.
In March 1934, during the negotiation period, tenders were received from:
The facility was called the Ford Center and signage throughout the building remained intact during the negotiation period.
Many interested stakeholders were already involved in reference groups during the negotiation period and in many cases, these networks have continued.