That initiates the negotiation phase of the program.
Efforts to exchange federal land from other areas for inholdings were still in the negotiation phase in 2012.
The actual trump suit is decided in a negotiation phase described in the next section.
"We've gone through the negotiation phase already."
No change resulted from the negotiation phase.
This upsets the delicate compromise agreed to by the Council, of course, so the whole package will enter a negotiation phase once more.
Who Utopia's financial lenders are and a detailed business plan would not be made public until the end of the next negotiation phase.
During the negotiation phase the lack of appropriate transparency was deplored in the report.
In addition, there must be confidentiality among the institutions during difficult negotiation phases.
The objective of the negotiation phase will be to close the deal with the preferred purchaser on the best terms for the client.