The dispute did not appear to be putting the agreement itself in jeopardy, but it showed that much negotiation remains.
In the meantime, negotiations over the Congressional redistricting process remained at an impasse today despite renewed discussions this week.
Although more negotiations and concessions on both sides remain ahead, the political atmosphere in Nicaragua changed quite literally overnight.
Despite months of discussion, however, the negotiations remained deadlocked [see p. 37646].
The budget is now two months overdue and negotiations remain at a stalemate.
Difficult negotiations remain, not only with Congress but also with the United Nations.
While tough negotiations still remain, this world trade agreement captures the momentum that we have needed in these negotiations for a long time.
Tough negotiations remain on how to divide up economic resources between north and south - which has the bulk of oil, he adds.
I am sorry to say that no major progress has been achieved since then; the negotiations remain suspended.
But the company said it expected a firm decision to begin the program next year, and it indicated that negotiations with the partners remained on track.