In 1886 a white neighbor donated a half-acre plot of land to be used for a house of worship.
Then a neighbor dropped by to say she was donating 80 pounds of chicken in thanksgiving for an answered prayer.
In the end, his neighbors noticed this person and donated some personals for his cause.
When one family didn't have enough money to provide for themselves, neighbors would anonymously donate food.
The family has been going to the Red Cross center in the Good Shepherd church to get beans, rice and nuts that neighbors donated.
A sister gives her family secondhand clothes, and neighbors donate cornmeal for food.
A third neighbor, Fouad Chartouni, has also donated a considerable amount of money for land preservation.
A neighbor of theirs, Henry Graves, donated the triangular parcel, and the memorial association began a subscription drive.
He said a road in front of his house had been flooded with sewage for days until, finally, the neighbors all donated money to have it repaired.
That Thanksgiving, a neighbor had donated a turkey.