When they were to be evicted many neighbours filed protests, which could lead to their release.
For now, Mr. Zhang's neighbors who lost ducks are watching and say they will file their own suits if he succeeds.
The office was used as a reception room, and his friends and neighbors filed past, taking his hand.
They were forced to close down at the end of 2005, this was because a neighbour filed many noise complaints and also because their lease expired.
But by August, neighbors of the park, citing traffic and other concerns, had filed a lawsuit in State Supreme Court to block the project.
Since February 1988, its neighbors have filed three lawsuits demanding a total of more than $1.5 million in damages.
The neighbors filed two police reports complaining that Chávez became enraged about their dog.
Since February 1988, its neighbors have filed three lawsuits demanding more than $1.5 million in damages from the Barrington Hall residents.
Last summer, according to association figures, neighbors filed 38 formal noise complaints against the bar.
Since then, he and neighbors filed an application with the city's Landmarks Preservation Commission to have the theater designated an historic landmark.