The neighbours held their noses in the air when she went out dolled up.
Based on her description of the suspect, neighbors found and held the man for the police this afternoon.
Americans, he observed, don't seem to care that their neighbors hold to false versions of the faith.
Still, the took she turned her curly-haired neighbor held venom.
Our neighbors hold Danny responsible for the murder of two little girls, and sooner or later someone is going to kill him.
Then, with his son, a cousin and two neighbors holding the quilt, they waited as the babies came down through the air, he said.
His friends and neighbours hold a 24-hour vigil at the hospital hoping he will pull through.
His family, neighbors and classmates held a silent funeral procession through the streets.
Another neighbor held a treasure hunt that was part of "manners day."
Before we even closed on our house, neighbors held a welcoming party for us.