Frequent concerns of community members include potential decreases in the retail price of their home, a decline in neighborhood safety due to elevated levels of crime.
Activities of the Alliance include improving the neighborhood safety, developing area arts and education programs, and building community leaders.
In his later years, Evans devoted much time to improving neighborhood safety in the Haight-Ashbury district.
Rolley's campaign platform has five planks: job creation and economic growth, improving education, increasing neighborhood safety, neighborhood revitalization, and rebuilding government.
Contributing to the rise in these adult-directed activities is a decline in neighborhood safety, making parents unwilling to allow their children to gather outside without supervision.
The defensible space theory of architect and city planner Oscar Newman encompasses ideas about crime prevention and neighborhood safety.
The child's personality, as well as the family income level and neighborhood safety, were other factors in shaping after-school routines.
Others, including the Ford Foundation, which has been active in the field since the 1960's, are concentrating on projects to improve neighborhood safety by experimeting with local security patrols.
'In order to demonstrate Lucky Dragon's concern with neighborhood safety, security personnel will patrol curb in front of location on a nightly basis.'
This is done through providing core neighborhood services focused on neighborhood safety, street maintenance, neighborhood marketing and special events and promotions.