Almost 3,000 people who serve as volunteers on the city's 59 community boards strive to improve neighborhood services.
It also includes links to neighborhood services and information on starting a business, money management and job skills.
He has also directed state money to pilot programs like "community-based" schools, which stay open longer and provide neighborhood services.
He also serves on the public safety & neighborhood services, budget & finance, and rules committees.
Over time, the aims of the League changed, as they opened community centers and neighborhood services.
To decentralize neighborhood services is something I think we need to take a close look at.
She noticed an upgrade in neighborhood services, too.
From the first it seemed understood that we were ready to perform the humblest neighborhood services.
When I started, in 1972, the alternative role model was neighborhood legal services.
The town center will serve the more commercial needs of the university such as retail, entertainment, neighborhood services and computer-related activities.