The newer subdivisions and neighborhoods tend to have more parks, but the village has done well with overall distribution.
That is worrisome, he said, because "the schools resegregate first and the neighborhoods tend to follow."
When the team plays at home ground the neighborhood tends to become extremely crowded as supporters come from all over Bucharest.
These neighborhoods tend to have more types of dogs than classes of people.
These neighborhoods also tend to have high population heterogeneity.
The neighborhoods with the most murders tend to be the poorest.
The new neighborhoods tended to attract middle-income working class couples with younger families.
Few people live in University Circle, and the surrounding neighborhoods tend to be poor.
These neighborhoods tended to be the older districts in the center of cities; often they were also black neighborhoods.
There is a logic to it - the poorest neighborhoods tend to be black or Hispanic and often have the biggest street narcotics problems.