The G. pulchrum parasite is a nematode worm of the order Spirurida.
It was found to extend lifespan in nematode worms.
Horses that lick wounds may become infected by a stomach parasite, Habronema, a type of nematode worm.
Human filarial nematode worms have complicated lifecycles, which primarily consists of five stages.
Oxyuridae is an family of nematode worms of the class Secernentea.
Many apparently unique taxa of nematode worms have also been recently discovered on abyssal plains.
However, by 1902 Punnett was back at Cambridge working in zoology, primarily the study of nematode worms.
It is a parasitic nematode worm and commonly known as Old World hookworm.
Mermithida is an order of nematode worms.
Oxyurida is an order of nematode worms of the class Secernentea.