One of the most common color morphs is the turquoise / neon blue, featuring stripes of dark red and bright blue.
From the low position of his head, his eyes were mere slits in his face, spitting out brilliant beams of neon blue.
Earthy colors from most of the characters and capturing the neon blue, red and green lights that sweep Cairo at night.
Each shirt comes with a terry diaper cover-up, dyed in neon blue ($20).
The waters sparkled with glittering points of neon blue.
I liked looking at him, at the neon blue of his eyes.
He lifted his head and looked at her, his lower lip slick and shining, the pupils of his eyes huge, ringed with neon blue.
They see the fountain's water glowing a bright neon blue.
The frame of a whale appears out of nowhere, neon blue, and unfurls its fluke.
She'd heard someone describe Ben Lancer's eyes as neon blue, and they were the one physical feature she'd inherited from him.