Veronica has had enough of their behavior and longs to return to her old life and her nerdy friends.
Just when I had decided that the actor who plays Pekar's nerdy friend is way over the top, they bring out the real guy.
His nerdy best friend, Yoda, is looking to date Tyler's sister.
Lance: Troy's nerdy friend who is often the source of information that could help the aliens get home.
Tack, in the meantime, conscripts his nerdy friend Norm "Snot-rag" Hankey to take him to the beach.
Thomas "Tom" Gribalski (Fred Meyers) - Louis' nerdy friend.
William's two nerdy friends were abducted by aliens after discussing that they did not miss anything by not attending the party.
Arend , on the other hand, is known more for being the "nerdy best friend."
Although Penny's personality usually contrasts to that of her nerdy friends, in the later episodes Penny has shown some of her own geekiness too, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Seth is the nerdy friend of Phil, Keely and Tia.