She was to play a "nerdy" girl named Mandi.
The music video is based on the movie Grease, with the cool guy at first overlooking the "nerdy" girl.
Yolanda Farquar is a nerdy but sweet girl who likes Michael and always seem to call him both his first and last name.
Kristen Hicks as Michelle, a nerdy girl ashamed of her body.
A second year high school student and an extremely shy and fairly nerdy girl.
Celia West- Georgia Fabish A nerdy girl.
Celia- a nerdy blonde girl who was being followed by a demon who was attempting to possess her, therefore taking her soul.
Unlike conventional eye-glassed nerdy girls, Tsugumi is neither soft-spoken nor gentle.
Trek is the best, it's what I lived for as a very nerdy young girl, Trek is in my heart forever....
Chloe was initially portrayed as a nerdy girl (nicknamed "Ghoul Girl" by her classmates) wearing big glasses and frumpy clothes.