I noted, with concern, a repetition of the nervous shudder.
Jeremiah gasped with a nervous, overwhelmed shudder.
The military rebellion in Argentina yesterday, though swiftly suppressed, brought nervous shudders to the outside world.
He repressed the nervous shudders that came over him.
A nervous shudder of disappointment moved through the crowd, and the drum-and-bugle band called it a day.
She poured a drink, drank it quickly, with a sharp nervous shudder.
Then, with a nervous shudder, she seemed to arouse her energies and threw some bright and playful yet half-wicked sarcasm into the conversation.
Beneath his heavy tan Chow's face paled, and he gave a nervous shudder.
Julien rose calmly, causing a nervous shudder to run through the crowded room, as men fingered their weapons.
But last week's crackdown was real and has sent a nervous shudder through commanders in every precinct in the city.