His eyes darted to one side in a nervous way.
Visit climbed down from the loft and made his nervous way to the main building, taking care to walk smartly.
He was young, Silence saw, not much older than most of the gang members, and handsome in a nervous, feral way.
He scratched his arms and his hands in a quick, nervous way.
The day's events had left me feeling bold and confident, which was better than the nervous way I usually approached dates.
On the way to our car, ever nervous and perplexed, we asked a French couple whether we had done the right thing.
He smiled, but in a nervous way that betrayed his anxiety.
He cleared his throat in the nervous way he had.
He had a nervous way of sliding his eyes around like someone who expects to have to make a run for it at any moment.
Also he had a nervous way of looking over his shoulder with a swift, suspicious glance.