When dragons came each year on their migrations, Azhenel called out in welcome instead of fretting with the high, nervous whinny of more skittish stablemates.
"Sean . . . " Saul's whisper was cut off by the shrill nervous whinny of his horse.
The nervous whinny of horses and the clank of steel guided them back to Renly's camp.
Margaret wrenched the reins out of his hand, and her horse capered away, giving a nervous whinny.
There is a long pause and then a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the nervous whinnies of the horses.
The men worked diligently to guide them inside the fence, but the animals pranced and reared, their nervous whinnies high-pitched and combative.
Outside there was a rattle of firecrackers (young folks could never wait until the big day; if they had crackers in their hands, they had to set match to them), the nervous whinny of a horse, and the raucous laughter of boys.
From behind she heard splashing, and a mare's nervous whinny.
At the same moment the pony shifted and gave a nervous whinny.
"A horse talks with his ears and tail, and how he holds his head and his body, He's talking right now," she said as the horse snorted and gave a nervous whinny.