His fingers nervously touch his nose and stroke his whiskers.
Witherington nervously touched the silk handkerchief in his breast pocket.
I revised my opinions as to the suitability of the cream silk dress, and touched nervously at my hair.
Ivo stopped, nervously touching the right earpiece of the sunglasses.
The minister glanced at his watch and nervously touched his extravagantly curled, waxed mostacho.
He sat bunched at his card table, nervously touching what was in his pocket.
"It's a cruel tool," Gary said, nervously touching his mustache.
The quad leader, a Sub-Lojt, kept nervously touching the butt of his bolstered sidearm as he scanned the incoming line.
Halfway through our meal, Cara begins nervously touching her face.
He nervously touched Ascalante's body with his sandalled toe.