However, it was also shown that any sufficient summary statistic for a model in which both and are nested is valid for ranking the nested models.
In other words, SCA allows a hierarchy of composites that is arbitrarily deep - such a nested model is termed recursive.
Wilson (1999) therefore developed a nested model of conceptual areas, which visualizes the interrelation of the here mentioned central concepts.
He provided a category-theoretic approach to nested statistical models, using finite-sample principles.
The main body of CarbonTracker is the TM5 two-way nested model written in Fortran-90.
Typically, a nested model will be developed, say, starting with the probability of a trip being made, then examining the choice among places, and then mode choice.
IMa also allows log likelihood ratio tests of nested demographic models.
The test requires nested models, that is: models in which the more complex one can be transformed into the simpler model by imposing a set of constraints on the parameters.
Chi-squared statistics can also be used to directly compare the fit of nested models to the data.
It consists of two nested models linked via parametric space.